
Camcorder video tape?

by  |  earlier

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okay can someone pleaseeeee help me. i broke my camcorder a yr back, and walla go when i was lookin at my old video tapes i found one with my cousin JC on it, and well he past away last yr. and i wanted to know is there ANYWAY i can this tape ( i think its a 8mm) on a cd or something so i can download it online. please someone help me! thks




  1. If you have an analog (VHS) camcorder…

    You need an analog converter, either internal card or external such as the dazzle. It's very easy to use and come with good software. You would hook your analog VHS camera or VCR to the analog converter, the dazzle and then hook the dazzle to your PC. The dazzle cost around 70.00 , but worth the money if you have a lot of VHS to tapes to convert.

    If it's minidv (cassette) then you can either buy a new camcorder, borrow someones camcorder, you can also check with your cable company to see if they do video transfer, we have Bright house/Time Warner and our local office does this, but it's not cheap.

    Also google video transfer.

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