
Camden Market fire, call me a sinic. but aint this the same market the council/government wanted to shut down.

by  |  earlier

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So is it an inside job ?

or amy winehouse's stash caught fire in the Hawley Arms ?




  1. This isn't the market that was going to be shut down - there are plans to shut the market near the station to redevelop the underground station. I doubt anyone would set fire to the area on purpose, as most of the business' are small and probably uninsured. People's livelihoods will have been ruined.

    My shop is opposite the fire, and I'm really relieved that it doesn't sound like it's been affected although much of my stock may be smoke damaged. Thank goodness that so far, it doesn't seem that any one has been hurt.

  2. I think it's a inside job literally as well as what you said because on the news it was said that the fire spreaded very quickly so it is obvious to me that this has been planned. Apparently these people I've mentioned to other people the council/government wants to turn Camden into does boring corporate market areas like Bond Street.

  3. on the same subject have you notice how many buildings catch fire just before they are due for demolition.coincidence maybe but I have the same cynical mind as you

  4. Mad booger! Thought the market was summat London treasured - why would Camden council want it shut...years ago, it was g*y heaven, with long-haired students (and run-aways who sneaked on trains to Euston and Kings Cross)      waiting for oldies to whisk 'em off to Earls Court to have their widgies played with, the rears opened and posh nosh in The Boltons, with a bit of dosh in it for them also. The end of an era, maybe.

  5. it depends which market was on fire

    they are planning to shut down the stables market not any of the others

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