
Camera Sensor Dust?

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How can i clean the sensor on my Sony A100?




  1. Dust  on an image sensor can be difficult to remove. The best bet is to use a squeeze blower, holding to cameras lens opening facing down while you use it. Stay away from liquid or bushes since it will only make matters worse. If your sensor is very dirty, take it in for a cleaning and get it done right.

  2. You shouldn't have problem with cleaning your sensor on your Sony. When switching off, the camera activates the anti-dust system by shaking the CCD quickly to knock off any dust on the sensor. In addition the sensor is protected with a low-pass filter coated with indium tin oxide - an anti-static coating that helps to repel dust. If you have a problem that can't be clean by your camera automatically, you would want to bring it to a place that can do that. Those electronic inside are sensitive and if you don't know what you are doing, you'll end up messing your camera more.


  4. Hello there. The answer to your question is, No,  not really effectively, you can not.   Camera repair techs LOVE people who try to "do-it-yourself" because it just sends the camera into them sooner. Now, not only do they get to clean the sensor, they get to repair the issues caused by non-authorized individuals who decide to by-step the repair shop to save money. Winds up costing more money in the long run. One piece of advice... do not blow into your camera. Dust particles are, for the most part, not like the dust on the table top that just blows away. They are more like the dust particles that attach themselves to the front of the TV or monitor screen .... you know what I mean.  No amount of blowing gets all of it off and many times when blowing on the sensor it just blows more dust from the around the inside of the camera's chamber. You had 30 dust particles. NOW you have 100!!! Even one of those Giotto's Rocket blowers will NOT clean the sensor... I thought I would buy one and try it... with the result of more spots than I started with. My repair tech told me that I wasted my money on the blower. He did not have to warn me against blowing on the sensor as I already knew that. There is a fee for cleaning the sensor which no one wants to pay    ... but that is just one of the maintenance costs of buying, owning and using a digital SLR. Point and shoots do not have that problem.
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