
Camera accessories- view finder?

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I want to buy a view finder. I am looking for alan gordon mark 5 or something similar. WOuld anyone know?

I cannot afford to buy it from there shop since its too expensive for me. ANyone knows of any deals?




  1. A "Directors View Finder" is a professional tool used by motion picture directors and directors of photography to help them pick the right lens for the shot in a particular scene from a camera that is pretty much bolted to the ground and is not going to be moved easily.

    In the field of still photography, I have never seen one of these used ... most still photographers know their lenses and cameras so well, it is just not a necessary added expense .... they would rather buy another lens.

    If you think the economy Alan Gorgon directors viewfinder is expensive ... look at the Arri at over $2,500 ... used

    Check with Birns and Swayer for them ... they sell one called the BS Micro Director's Viewfinder for $269.95

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