
Camera hunt?!?

by Guest57786  |  earlier

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we are planning to buy another camera because the whole family shares just ONE camera and its not enough. right now we have the casio exilim ex-z1000, the one with 10.1mp and 3x optical zoom. any suggestions on what camera should we get? we are looking for right about the same size and lcd (which 2.8 inches)..probably a canon? and it would be nice if theres a higher mp like 12 or anything higher than 10..thank you for your time.




  1. the mp thing is a market gimmick. you do not need anything above 6-7mp. anything beyond that actuallly can hurt quality. best place to look is great place to review cameras. great cameras are cannon S5iS or S3iS. the cannon G9 is an amazing camera.

  2. Choosing the right Digital camera is a personal choice, every one will tell you their camera type is best but really it is only as good as what you do with it.

    Try these sites for help selecting what might be best for you.

    I know it is not an exact answer but it is better than listening to someone else and then not knowing what your in for.

    Good Luck
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