
Camera lens does not focus (Pentax Takumar), can I fix it myself?

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I've purchased a camera lens (Pentax Takumar 200/f4), but it does not focus when mounted on the camera as well as the apenture blades are very slow when operating in Auto mode. If I could fix the lens focus, even with slow apenture I can operate the camera in Manual mode, but I don't know if I can fix it or I need to give it for repair. Thanks




  1. We need more information on the lens. Is it s***w mount?  Was it a s***w-mount that was converted to a bayonet mount for the new K mount Pentax camera?  What camera are you using.

    Some of the old camera/lens from Pentax were what were manual stop down lenses. After you compose the shot you had to manually move the aperture ring to the preset f/stop your meter had determined to the the right one for the lighting you are in.  The lenses were called "pre-set" lenses ... they are still available to day, but by relatively unknown lens makers

    To get a real time answer you will have to take your camera and lens into a larger camera store or repair store.

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