
Camera shy dog question?

by  |  earlier

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Whenever my mom or I pick up a camera, my dog runs away! I want to take pictures of her, but its impossible! lol. Does anyone know how we can help her change? (shes 6-years-old by the way)

Thanks =)




  1. Bribery!

    When the camera's out, get the treats out....

    She has to associate the camera with something nice.

    Works on squirrels and they're dumber than dogs.....

  2. Have you tried taking a photo with your camera phone? i doubt it will be smart enough to know your phone has a cam..goodluck

  3. Try taking pictures in lighting conditions that don't require a flash.  Sometimes a flash scares the dog.  Also give plenty of treats and praise whenever you take a picture :)

  4. The best way to get good photos of your pets is to enlist the assistance of a helper. Have the person put the dog in the area you want, and then offer the dog treats or distractions while you shoot the photo.

    Get down on level with the dog and if possible, don't use the flash. Shoot in natural outdoor light.

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