
Camera shy?

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i dont know if im camera shy or photogenic i love being in front of cameras but the pic always turns out bad!!!




  1. pose like others

  2. Maybe it's the camera.  You should get another one.

  3. thats how i am!

  4. You're neither.

    Camera shy is used to describe people who dislike having pictures taken of them.

    Photogenic is used to describe people who always look good in photos.

    You're unphotogenic.  And-- well, I dont know a name for the opposite of camera shy.  All I can think of is camera w***e, but I dont want you to take that the wrong way.  Its just a term my friends and I use casually.

  5. I'm oppistie! thats so weird lol! I hate being in pictures, but they always turn out pretty good! *I dont think so, but other people do! heres an excample... I LOOK SO UGLY LOL!

    Its my pofile pic

  6. Maybe you just need to practice in front of a mirror. Feel your muscles move as you watch. You'll catch on!

  7. Gimpshop is free and is like Photoshop.

    Everyone that distorts your self image has been touched by the hand of a designer.

  8. It's okay because usually to most people they are like that, you just have to get use to the camera light (if there is any) and make the camera love you!!

  9. look at the pic and adjust until you look gooood

  10. hmm

    in photography class our teacher always said "Ugly comes out perfect in pictures but pretty comes out ugly."

  11. just camera shy

  12. i like natural pictures when ur not ready for them

  13. I have the same problem! But chances are you just think your pics are bad! I bet they are gorgeous! I hate how my pics turn out! but people say they are really pretty... So I would upload them and ask people... I bet they r awesome |o-)

  14. Poip@!!!






    OI! AY, oi!


  15. If the picture always turn out bad that means you are not photogenic. To be photogenic the camera loves you. If you don't like cameras then you are camera shy. You can learn to be photogenic but it takes practice. I am very photogenic!

    How to Be Photogenic

    Do you dislike having your picture taken because you always seem to come out looking hideous? Have you ever been on a date with someone whose online photo knocked you out but whose appearance in real life turned out to be a bit uninspiring? What’s the deal with pictures? While being photogenic just comes naturally to some people, there are a few things that anyone can do to look better in photos. Try out the tricks in this article and stop running for cover whenever the camera comes out.

    [edit] StepsWear clothes with colors that suit you. Certain colors complement certain skin tones, while others tend to bring out the worst. Also take into consideration your hair color. You may have a feel for which colors you look best in, but if not, do some research (check out the external links below) and some trial-and-error.

    Hide your blemishes. The bad thing about photographs is that because they are simply frozen images of one angle in an instant in time, they can't show all your good attributes. The good thing about them is that you can easily hide certain features you don’t like. If you've got a unsightly look on one side of your face, for example, don’t show the camera that side.

    Determine your best angle. Beyond the obvious hiding of blemishes, finding the right angle for your face can be a bit more difficult. The best thing you can do is experiment using a digital camera so that you can immediately see the results of each pose. It will very quickly become obvious which angles are most flattering for you, and you can then use that angle as much as possible in the future. The classic model's pose is to arrange your body 3/4 toward the camera with one foot in front of the other and one shoulder closer to the camera than the other. This isn’t the best pose for everybody, however, and it can look a little ridiculous when used in a family photo right next to your Uncle Bob.

    Get rid of a double chin. Tilt your head down slightly and try to position yourself so that the camera is a little above your eye level. This will hide a double chin fairly effectively. You can also put one hand under your chin as though you’re resting your head on your hand (keep the thumb side of your hand out of the camera’s view, if possible). Don't actually rest any weight on the hand, however, or you will push the skin into an unflattering position. Also try resting your tongue against the roof of your mouth.

    Stick your neck out. One trick models often use is to present a 3/4 pose to the camera (turn your head so that 3/4 of your face is exposed to the camera, as opposed to a full frontal shot) and then lift your neck and slightly tilt your head down, as though you are a turkey sticking its head out (without actually thrusting your chin out). This improves facial definition and helps ameliorate wrinkles and flabby skin.

    Relax. Many people end up looking odd in photos because they freeze into odd facial expressions with a “say cheese" type of smile on their face. If you're used to having bad pictures taken of yourself, you probably get nervous in front of the camera, and this can make things even worse. If you know a picture is about to be taken, take a deep breath and exhale naturally, relaxing your arms and shoulders. As you exhale, smile or strike whatever pose is appropriate. Don't hold your breath, either in or out, otherwise you'll appear as though you're tense or suffocating. If you see the photo coming too late, don’t panic and try to strike a pose. Keep doing what you're doing and try to ignore the camera. It may not turn out perfectly, but you’ve got a better chance than if the camera catches you quickly trying to change your facial expression. The more comfortable and relaxed you appear, the better the photo will turn out.

    Think happy thoughts. An unnatural, forced smile can make you look stiff and, frankly, weird. When people are smiling and waiting for a photo to be snapped, their facial muscles can get caught in all sorts of strange positions. To remedy this, try to time your smile so that you don't have to hold it for too long. Also, imagine something really funny (don't be afraid to laugh a bit, even) or think of someone—your spouse or child, for example—who makes you happy. By doing so, you’ll get a genuine smile. If you don't like your smile or your teeth, try a more subdued, closed- or partially-closed-mouth smile. Regardless of how you choose to smile, the happier and more relaxed you are, the better.

    Smile with your eyes. Nothing projects happiness and beauty like smiling eyes: a happy, somewhat mischievous expression of the eyes. To achieve this effect, imagine that the camera is a person you have a crush on walking into the room. This will create wider open eyes and a relaxed smile. Chances are you unconsciously do this all the time; the trick is to be able to bring it out on demand, so practice the smiling eyes in front of a mirror.

    Maintain your posture. Listen to your mother — remember how she always told you not to slouch? Good posture can dramatically improve your appearance in pictures. Sitting or standing up straight will make you look healthier and more alert and, if in a group setting, more attractive than your slouching companions. Just remember to breathe normally and relax your shoulders. Especially if you usually have bad posture, it may be difficult to stand up straight and not look stiff, so practice this in the mirror.

    Get a better photographer. Professional photographers generally know how to bring out the beauty in people. You can't always choose your photographer, but sometimes you can. If you're going to put up a shot for an online dating service, consider enlisting a professional. If you need headshots for modeling, get the best professional you can find.

    Edit or enhance photos. If you've tried everything, but you still can’t seem to get a good picture of yourself in any environment, try slightly altering your digital photos. Changing the lighting effects or filter effects, for example, can dramatically improve the appearance of your complexion.

    Fake it till you make it. People are often photogenic because they like having their picture taken. They are therefore relaxed and happy when the camera appears. If you cannot muster up genuine love of the camera, pretend you like the camera. Imagine the camera is someone you love, a long lost friend, an old flame, your child at age three, or whatever you need to look at the camera lovingly. Try it—it really does work.

    Keep the shine down. It is so important to keep the shine down in the ever-troublesome t-zone - the top of your nose and your forehead. Especially on a warm day but even the coolest among us may get a little sweaty when faced with the lens of a camera.

    Relax your lip(mouth) region and don't have any delirious thoughts filled with gloom. It's a natural way to appear fresh and appealing in photo graphs.

    Be graceful in your movements.

    Keep your face in equilibrium Look at your face in the mirror. That's NOT actually the face which comes in your photograph. Now stare at your own reflection. After some time your face will reach the 'normal' condition. That will be your 'equilibrium' face. Now deactivate your eye region and activate your lip region. Don't clench your teeth, just make sure that your upper and lower jaw molars touch each other. Always smile if your complexion is dark or dull and your smile should be a slight one. At the same time stress the corners of your eyes and raise your eye brows a little. Practice this exercise every day before mirror for a few minutes. In one month it will become a habit whenever someone tries to take a photograph of you. But don't forget the most fundamental things for a good photograph and those are good cheer and confidence.

    [edit] TipsStudy pictures of models and other photogenic people. When comfortable for your personality, experiment with mimicking their postures, but remember most model photos are not what family members or friends are looking for in a picture. Stand at a slight angle to the camera.

    When in a seated group shot, be sure the chairs are placed as close together as possible. Instead of leaning in, sit up straight and relax.

    Have your close friends look at the pictures you've taken to help you ascertain when you look your best. Sometimes, a critical second set of eyes is a great help.

    Consider that people with highly animated faces stand a better chance of getting captured during a transient grotesque expression. Frame-by-frame video is a great way to see significant differences between the photogenic and the not-so-photogenic.

    Practice smiling in front of the mirror. In no time you'll know which smile looks fake and which is the most flattering. Learning how your face moves will help when someone grabs for the camera.

    Keep your tongue behind your teeth.

    Use makeup. Those runway models and movie stars don’t necessarily all have perfect complexions, but they do all wear makeup so that they look unblemished. Especially if you have oily skin, a spotty complexion or a lot of wrinkles, experiment with different cosmetics to hide the “bad" and accentuate the “good".

    Always look slightly above the camera when the picture is taken. Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis always used this technique for photographs and portraits. Additionally, it helps reduce the "red eye" effect.

    If it is a full-length shot, position your body 45 degrees from the camera, then turn your head towards the lens. Stand with one foot crossed in front of the o

  16. The best thing you can do is just relax and be yourself.

    Want to know a modeling and photography secret?  Go to a real photo shoot and listen to the cameras.   They don't take one shot, pose, one shot, pose, ...   They take about 3-6 photos in quick succession at a time before the model can move.  Hundreds of photos are taken in hopes of finding that one!

    We have been known to take over 250 photos in an hour.  It is not uncommon for us to have 500-1000 in an hour, but we try not to go that high unless we are shooting a lot of subjects at once in a shorter amount of time than normal.

    - A high amount of photos are always taken because there is always one little thing in the photo that is slightly out of place and throws things off in a big way.  Plus, you can never truly know what you captured in light until you study it a couple of times later.  We have looked at photos several times in one day, pulled out our favorites, and then came back the next day to find something in the photo we did not see before.

    In other words, get 'Snap Happy'.  If you are shooting digital, like most people, there is no reason why you can't shoot a hundred photos and find at least 3-5 that are better than you expected.  You never really know you might achieve by mere accident.  Once you find your favorites, you will begin to realize what works for you.

    The other key is what we started with:  don't push the issue - meaning don't 'try' to pose.  Just stand as you normally would and let people see you for who you are.

    - Our biggest pet peeve:  DON'T lean your head forward and DON'T rest your chin on your hand (like your local 'Glamour Shots').  What professional models have you seen in that pose?

    - Hold your head upright like it should be!  Be Proud!   Be Confident!  Most importantly, SMILE!  Smiling connects with people.  People fall in love with models (as well as hate them) because they see positive and confident qualities flowing from the photo.  Smiling also hides wrinkles, removes lines, hides blemishes, and otherwise draws most attention away from other problem areas in the photo.  

    * Go to Wal-Mart or your similar store and just look around at all the signs, advertising, and imagery.  It is everywhere!  On the walls, hanging from the ceiling, on stands, on the shopping carts, on baskets, and there is always one or more on the products themselves.  Most of those photos are common, everyday people doing common, everyday things.  You might begin to realize that there are more photos and graphics for marketing, instructions, and other information in the store than there are products to be sold.  Any one of those could be YOU!

    Good Luck!

  17. my pics suck

  18. Ah!

    Well, if you are someone with no self-confidence, then it's probably just you that thinks the picture is bad. Make sure that when your taking the picture that you FEEL pretty, becauseif you don't then you probably won't think it's pretty, and take as many pictures as you like, and if you wanted to put it on a website or something  like myspace or facebook etc then ask a really close friend that wouldn't lie to you which one looks good. I bet you look great. Just make sure you FEEL pretty, it's a key to success, to FEEL confident:) Good luck! :D

  19. I don't know what to do about that...

  20. if the pic turns out bad you are not photogenic. everyone is camera shy unless they have a huge ego and want somehow to be the center of attention like someone i know.

  21. have a nice hair cut,wear a goggle, a little make up    & ' finally but important ' don't get closer to the camera,avoid close ups.

    No one is very much photogenic.send me ur nice pic if u like this answer.
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