
Camera that takes most accurate photos?

by  |  earlier

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can anybody please tell me if there is any digital camera that makes u look exactly how u do in real life when you take a picture? i look so good in real life but i look like a crackhead in a lot of photos. thank you.




  1. Almost any digital camera will give an accurate photo if you use it correctly.  Typically, this means that you should zoom the lens to a "normal" setting where the image looks pretty much the same in the viewfinder as it does in the real world without any magnification or shrinkage and then take the picture.

    Lighting is important, so without buying $1000 worth of lights, you'd be better off using natural light instead of the on-camera flash.

    Just get someone else to take your picture from a "normal" distance of 5 or 6 feet with a "normal" focal length and it should be good.  Don't try to hold the camera at arms length and take your own pictures.  These are NEVER accurate.

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