
Camera trouble??

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my "Nikon Coolpix L3" digital camera isnt working properly. when i try to turn it on it says: Warning! Mode Selector is not in the proper position! and i doesnt let me take pictures or anything...i've tried plugging it into the computer and i was able to get pics off of it and everything, and ive held down the on/off button...nothing seems to be working. does someone have any suggestions? or what "mode selector" is and how i can fix it??

Thanks soo much!!




  1. It's telling you exactly what's wrong.  Your mode selector button has probably been jarred so that it's in between selections.  Turn it to whatever mode you want to use, and see if that fixes it.  I had a Coolpix a few years ago that did that very same thing every time I took it out of a case.  I ended up returning the case, because it was a little too snug near the selector, and kept turning it every time I slipped it in or out of the case.

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