
Cameras in fitting rooms?

by  |  earlier

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I was at Kohl's today and i put a shirt in my purse while in the fitting room. I know it was stupid and I won't do it again so don't tell me. But the security guard stopped me once i was out the door and asked if he could search my purse and of course i said no, but is anything going to happen? and how did he know?




  1. i've never seen a security guard at kohls.

  2. well its illegal to put cameras in fitting rooms and maybe he saw you take it in there or maybe you were acting suspicous

  3. Thats is illegal if they are. What you did was too (lol) I am just kidding. But, were you with someone who was shoplifting and maybe looked suspicious? Nothing can happen now, no need to worry.

  4. He knew because they were probably watching what you took into the fitting room. And I know you know, but stupid, real stupid.

  5. You were observed entering the dressing area with X amount of clothes and came out with Y. Not too tough to figure out what you did with the shirt.............

  6. Sounds like you got away with it.  I would not return to that store for a few years if I were you.  If they had proof they probably wouldn't have let you leave.  Now that you are gone, it would be difficult [impossible?] for them to prove this beyond a reasonable doubt.

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