
Camilla has stepped down from attending Diana's memorial..........?

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should she ever have been considered to attend?

Should Charles even be there? And if so - why?




  1. If a persons enemies wish to honor them then the enemies should do it separately.

  2. The whole thing stinks of hypocrisy  but then Charles specialises in that.

    I think Camilla wanted to dance on Diana's grave.

  3. Both of the young princes did give her an invitation to come. But yesterday on the BBC, I heard that she's declined the invitation because she doesn't want to divert the purpose of Diana's memorial to herself.

    Charles should be there because he married Diana first and he is the father of the two princes.

  4. She was invited by her stepsons to attend, it should have been their choice and their choice only.

    Charles should be there, he went to Paris to help bring back her body, his two sons who are organising the service would want him to be there, the Queen is also attending.

    Diana was not a Saint and she had affairs with MORE than one man during her marriage, Charles had only one other woman. There's also the fact that he stated publicly (in his interview) that he was faithful to Diana after they married until their marriage had irretrievably broken down.

  5. In my opinion there shouldn't be any memorial whatsoever, especially a great big public, official state memorial attended by the Royal Family.

    If the Spencers wish to honour their late sister then fair enough, but to suggest that we, the British people, should go to the expense and bother of remembering an ex-Princess of Wales who led a dubious moral private life and who committed adultery whilst married to the Prince of Wales is ridiculous.

    She ended her life tragically, but we must not forget that she was not a member of the Royal Family when she died and she was gallavanting across Europe with her lover- not very appropriate behaviour in my opinion.

    Will Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother get a memorial service in 2012?

    Did King George VI get a memorial service in 1962?

    Did Queen Mary get a memorial service in 1963?

    The answer to all three is no. And each one of these was a thousand times more worthy of having their lives (all spent in total servitude to the people of this country) remembered than Diana.

    It is sad that the Princess of Wales has decided to step down from attending the memorial service, although this may have been a wise and humble move (again proving how superior she is as a future Queen consort than Diana Spencer was). However, a more significant question is why are we having this national display of the Cult of Diana once again threatening to bring the country to a stand still again?!

  6. Should someone who is broke up their marriage I would NOT invite her.  Yeah , I just bet she stepped down and she knows just what is waiting for her on her judgment day.  I do rather hope she wears a a bag over her face though.

         I only believe that Charles should be there is for his sons.  If he and Diana would not have had any children then I believe he should stay away.  He is no one that I would ever want to see become King and I hope that William gets that honor as Charles has no Honor to give to the people and his partner looks like The Wicked Witch of the west!!

  7. She was not just considered, she was invited by Prince William and Prince Harry. That she chose not to attend is a very tactful decision.

    Naturally Prince Charles would be there, he is the Princes' father. He escorted her body back to Britain, he was at her funeral, why wouldn't he be at her memorial?

    Edit - you seem very bitter about this. If the princes can accept Camilla, theirs is the only opinion that matters.

  8. That horse face should not have been invited by the Princes in the first place.  Sometimes, i feeled that Willian and Harry are going mad to accept a woman who caused their parent's marriage to break down and hurt their mother so deeply.

    Charles should be there as he was an ex spouse and father to her children.  I hope Charles should be very ashamed and embarrass to be at the memorial.  He indirectly caused Diana's death through his affair with "horse face".

    I wish Diana's ghost should haunt him and Camilla at night in the palace.  LOL. (Serious)

  9. Well, Charles was her husband for about ten years and is the father of her two children.  I think he may have some connection with her.

  10. I'm no fan of the lady, but she did decline graciously... and I'm sure the Palace gave a big sigh of relief.  Of course Charles should be there. He is the father of the two princes. It would be most awkward for them if their father was not present.

  11. I am a FIRM believer that if Charles had treated Diana like the Queen of his heart....she would have been everything he would have ever needed....but with his mistress in the MIDDLE it was quite difficult for Diana.

    Charles belongs at Diana's memorial in support of his and Diana's children. Camilla has NO place there.  I think highly of the young Princes to have "invited" her...but I am GLAD she declined.  Again, she has NO place there.  Diana was Charles wife and the mother of his children.....Camilla is nothing more than a mistress and family wrecker.  She wrecked HER marriage, wrecked Charles and Diana's marriage, and is an evil woman.

    I am looking forward to the memorial...and THRILLED that that "ole hag" will not be there.  

    Father and sons remembering WIFE and MUM....THAT is the way it should be.

  12. It is appropriate for Charles to be there because it the memorial for his former wife and the mother of his children.  It seems the young princes were OK with Camilla attending, but the British public was not.   In light of the fact that the Royal family misjudged the British public so badly right after Diana's death, I think they are wise to take the cue and let Camilla watch on the television.  

    I think Charles was genuinely grieved when Diana died - maybe for his son's loss, maybe for himself.  He should go as should the rest of the family.  But Camilla is going to have to accept the fact the she will never be "accepted" by the public.  It's the price you pay for fame - everyone in the world minds your business.

  13. I think camilla should at least show some respect to the late princess and her son's.  What would have become of Diana if she were not in that marriage, as for prince charles he should go jump off the london bridge.

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