
Camouflagued speed camera Chester Rd A452, Streetly. B74 2HN?

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When I approached the roundabout at Chester Rd Streetly the speed limit was 40, I saw no speed signs on Chester Rd only camera signs so assumed it was still 40, I got flashed doing 39. But on the way back there were four 30mph signs but nothing on the otherside of the rd, that hardly seems fair. I went back to the roundabout to check for a speed limit sign & saw a 30 sign masked by the lights of a Shell garage immediately behind it on the roundabout & because the garage was so brightly lit it distracted attention from the sign & rendered it inconspicious. My eyesight is perfect, I have been driving for 8 yrs without a blemish on my license as I am a cautious driver :-( Any advice please?




  1. If you have the time,Take photographs ,And argue this in court,Inform the media,Make a song and dance about it.Best of luck.

  2. Take pictures of it and write to the relevant people.  Ask either at the police station or wait till the fine details comes through the post.  I would not wait as this can take up to three months after that they can not do you for it.  Recently i heard of a guy getting done for doing 30 in a 20 zone but he got off with it because there was no clear indication where the 20 mile zone started and finished.  Also street lights present and spaced out in a certain length is supposed to be a indication of the speed you should be doing ie 30mph

    I would fight it tho take no sh*t and kick up a fuss.

    It has been proved that Speed cameras do not save life's anyway nothing but a money grabbing scheme.  Some areas with cameras, accidents have gone up by 35% compared to areas with no cameras.

  3. Perfect driving record, go to court and ask the judge for defense driving and keep your record clean.

  4. stop try trying to blame others for your bad driving

    your the one in control of a car its your responsibility to drive safely.

  5. You're not a cautious driver, you missed the signs and got caught speeding. "I didn't see the sign" is not a defence, pay up and take more care in future.

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