
Camp Zama or Japan in General

by Guest65008  |  earlier

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So there is a chance my husband and I will be sent there... I've tryed to search and read a lot about the subject but still have some questions unanswered!!

I'm one of those who likes to get out and do stuff and not sit at home in a foreign country, i read how trains are the best way to travel in Japan but i'm wondering if all signs are in Japanese or in English too and is it hard to understand the train system there or to walk around in town?... also i read that bikes are used a lot too, is it safe for a woman to ride a bike alone during the day? Is there much to do walking distance from Camp Zama. How about the MWR or USO do they frequently do trips around the country or outside the country? How expensive is it to travel by plane or just the cost of living there in general? Any answers to my questions are appreciated and if u wanna add more info go ahead :o) Thanks




  1. I have lived in tokyo for almost 3 years . The trains and subways are easy and they have maps in English and signs in English. Tokyo is so safe. Do not fear you will love it.  People drive cars and bikes. Women are safe at day or night , it is truly amazing.  

  2. My husband and I are currently stationed at Zama.  Its is super easy to use the trains and subways, and if your ever in doubt MWR has maps and travel instructions to almost every to see place here in Japan.

    Bikes are HUGE here, everyone I know on and off base has one and rides frequently off base with children in tow, completly safe!

    Zama is split in 2 for housing so even if yoru stationed there you more than likely will end up living on Sagamihara Housing area reffered to as SHA.  Which is about 5-10 minutes away from zama depending on traffic.  

    SHA has a Commisary, Library, Shoppette, Movie Theather, Dog Park, Self Help, a 24hr small gym and a Pool.

    COL is a steep off base depending on what you are doing. Cola is awesome here though, and more than Makes up for it.

  3. Japan is disgustingly safe using Public transportation.  FOUR YEAR OLDS ride the trains alone.  and during rush hours there are entire cars  exclusively for women.  

    I would say about 90% of all all trains stations are bilingual, only the Black trains in the hinterlands may only have Kanjii/romanjii for signage. Absolutely Tokyo and Yokohama are. Most people speak English and as long as you TRY to speak Japanese, they are polite and will go out of their way to help. Friends of ours got lost one day and an elderly gentleman rode the train all the way to their stop to make sure they got to where they needed to go.

    Riding bikes on base is no big deal. Off base, can be tough.. the streets and sidewalks are very crowded.

    Flights to and from the States can be expensive, but traveling to AUS or Singapore is disgustingly cheap.

    MWR and ITT do a bang up job organizing trips( every year there will be multiple opportunities to climb Fuji-San during climbing season.)


    Lived in Yokosuka(about 45 minutes from Zama) 2000-2003

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