
Camp rock quesrion?!please I need help, please?

by  |  earlier

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I'm really big fan of jonas brothers but i never get to see camp rock what channel and where and when can you watch it?! please i want to know about it more like a looot more help someone please?




  1. its on disney channel, you can buy it at a store, or rent it.

  2. - go on youtube they have the parts but i'm not sure it's probably all deleated i'm not sure but you can try

    - buy a dvd at walmart or best buy or ect

    - rent it

    - wait until it shows on disney channel. . . again (trust me that day will come)

  3. The DVD is out if you wanna get it at a target or wal-mart for 20 bucks

  4. go to disney they have a scheduale

  5. The DVD is out now. I suggest going to Blockbuster and rent it so you can watch it with your friends.

  6. you could watch it online!

    just search for camp rock! =)

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