
Campaign slogans?

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I'm running for Freshman Vice President & I can't think of any slogans.

People are already used Victoria's secret and the milk one so do you have any other catchy/good slogans?(that are school apporiate please)

btw my name is Chiara (KEY-R-A) if that helps.





  1. Vote for Presidential Chiara  a leader who you can trust'',

  2. tell them you have a friend who owns a free gas website and you can help their parents save money. The extra money can go to buy them cool things.

    Good Luck!!  I believe you will be the new Freshman Vice President!

  3. Chiara holds the Key to Leadership!

    Vote Chiara for Freshman VP!

    Key to Success:  Chiara

    Key to Our Future - - Vote Chiara!

    good luck, i hope that helps!

  4. Chiara cares!

    Chiara cares for ...(you fill in the blank)

    Chiara does care!

    The reason you are running for class VP is because you care about doing something for your class and for your school, right?  It's not just a vanity thing, right?

  5. Vote for Pedro
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