
Campers, what have we learned this weekend about the activity of God in the world?

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We learned that studies of intercessory prayer are mixed. Of the well conceived, peer reviewed studies a small one showed a very slight positive result, while a larger study showed a group that knew they were being prayed for had the worst outcomes. Most studies were inconclusive.

We also learned that prophets of God have taught us surprisingly little about the world. Jesus is said to have healed some people. He did not, however, save millions from suffering or premature death by teaching us the importance of

thoroughly cleaning and dressing wounds to prevent infection. In fact, he seemed to believe most disease was demon related. Someone suggested Jesus was too busy working on the hearts of men. I find it hard to believe the Creator Of Everything could not be as versatile as Leonardo da Vinci.

What else have we learned?;_ylt=AqL42vX4ed5NFO_jNKey_ZEjzKIX;_ylv=3?qid=20080901045539AAsVSit;_ylt=Asx6_7G7DkMmLfHNSGh1KWHty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080830183143AAVVi5Y




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