
Camping question...?

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Lol, this is going to sound stupid ...but...I'm going camping soon, and I want to know what NOT to bring.

There's going to be a lot of raccoons there.

If I bring things like make up/deodorant/toothpaste...would raccoons get into them?

Also, what are some other things that I shouldn't bring?

(I already know not to bring food.)


Just so you all know...

I've only been "camping" twice.

And even then..I wouldn't call it "real" camping. It was just in a field, in a tent, outside a retreat center. I didn't have to worry about animals or anything lol.




  1. bring food

  2. that is not camping

    camping is in the wood and you have to worry about animals


  4. Camping in a field should certainly be very safe.  I hope this experience is enjoyable and can help you get a greater thirst for the outdoors.

    Yes, animals do like bathroom type products that smell.  I have camped in a lot of different settings and try to be careful with my food.  Though you are told by park rangers to also put in anything else that might smell, small items like toothpaste  and deordorant should not be a problem.  Most animals do not care to run into humans.  So, just keep any little things like that wrapped up and close.

    I might add that raccoons are very intelligent and capable of opening a lot of things with their hands.

  5. Lol i'm going camping tomorrow.

    first, I think you should bring food, otherwise you will starve. Raccoons breaking into your car to steal food is a risk you'll have to take.

    I don't think raccoons are interesting in putting on lipstick, smelling nice, and having white teeth, so bring make up/deoderant/toothpaste.

    don't bring honey. It'll attract the bears. lol.
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