
Can 11 year old children fly alone in translantic flights?

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Can 11 year old children fly alone in translantic flights?




  1. yeah why not.....only if he's not stupid!!!

  2. Yes, provided you reserve the child as an "unaccompanied minor". Parents or other adults escorting the child on departure have to sign appropriate forms indicating their name, address, phone numbers. On the other hand they have to indicate the same information regarding the adults who will receive the child on arrival.  Before confirming the reservation, the airline will check both ends and make sure the child will be properly met on arrival.  The child will be under the custody of the airline (flight attendants and ground staff) for the entire trip.

  3. yes however you need to pay extra for the airline to chaperon the child check with airline some do and some don't offer this service

  4. Yes.

  5. I used to...but that was about ooohhhh, 20+ years ago.  I don't see why not nowadays.  What my parents would do is contact the airline and make sure they knew I would be flying alone and they would have a stewardess (I'm sorry, "flight attendant") check in on me from time to time. I was also escorted to and from the gate so I wouldn't get lost.  If I remember correctly, I flew overseas mostly on TWA.

  6. Yes it is, but rules vary depending on the airline.

    Make sure you discuss it with the child, and that he/she is used to travel before: it is a long flight, and can be very scary alone. I would not let a child of mine travel alone unless absolutely necessary, and only without connection flights.

    The problem for me is that if anything goes wrong, a child does not necessarily have decision skills. Before going alone, he must be comfortable with border officials and laws (!!!), passports and visas, and be able to entertain himself for many hours on board.

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