
Can 15 yearolds buy p**n magazines

by Guest59341  |  earlier

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I really wan't to buy some I have some but those are from barnes and noble. Theres this card/lottery store and they got good ones and I want to buy them but there foreignors and they do speak english and they sell me lottery tickets sometimes.

I'm buying them i don't care




  1. nope

  2. have an older friend buy one for you

    common sense kid derrr

  3. no

  4. I know in some states it's illegal to sell them to anyone under 18. Look up on google if it's legal in your state if you really want to know.

  5. That's sad

  6. Eww, gross.

  7. no u got to be 18

  8. lol sin my ***.

    teeneagers have more of a use for p**n anyways.. we whack off so effin often.

    I don't know why the h**l they would make it so we have to ask an older brother to go buy it for us.. GOD.

  9. most foreiners dont care, you proably could anyway-  goodluck and have fun

  10. idk i would ask an older friend to do it first just incase they card.

    if that doesnt work steal them from ur dad or go online


  11. You shouldn't buy them because it's a sin

    and there are no laws against that

    so yes you can

    you dirty little boy

    unless you live in an area where it's illegal

  12. In some areas you have to be like, 18 or older to buy them. Or go to one of those s*x stores or whatever.  

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