
Can 16 yr old get a Job at Golf course/club?

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I'm 16 and want to pick up a second job during the summer.

Will golf courses/clubs hire me at 16? I like to golf and would like to get a job at a course

What kind of jobs do you think they have to offer for my age (and i don't want to be a caddy)?

Also are there any benifits for working at a golf course?




  1. A 16 year old may get a job in the pro shop, picking out members clubs and putting them on pull carts or motorized carts, cleaning the clubs after they play, restoring them in the bag storage area, clean the area around the outside, sweep down, fore and aft. You may also wash the carts and store them for later use. You can get a job as a bus boy in the dining room. Most temporary help on the golf course is limited to college students.

  2. Yes you'll probably be a cart jock if you're going to work around the Pro Shop.  If you're going to work outside they'll probably have you cut cups, trim bushes, basic mowing (to start out eventually leading to mowing greens and fairways) I've been working at a golf course since I was 14.  I started out being a cart jock, and I am now a pro shop attendant.

    My benefits are:

    Free golf

    Free range

    Free beverages

    Half off food

    40% off merchandise (clubs, balls, clothing)

    Free golf tees weeeeeee

    Fantastic social skills

    Fantastic opportunity to excel in golf.

    If you apply, good luck.

  3. i work at a golf course, and i was hired at 15.  granted, i had my neighbor working there and he put in a good word for me.

    either way, you'll most likely just be doing cart duty.  like gassing the carts if they're not electric, or cleaning them.  basically, gopher work.  it just depends on the course.

    if you're going to a nicer course, caddying is probably what you'd do.

    biggest benefits:

    - free golf

    -discounts in the pro shop

    -free food in the bar

    ... that's the benefits i get at least.  yours will probably be different.

  4. At 15 I was fortunate enough to work at a course. Over the 4 years I worked at the course I did nearly every job they had.

    I started in the clubhouse cleaning carts and also picking up the range balls, washing them and filling buckets. Other duties included cleaning up the clubhouse each night and taking out trash going from hole to hole emptying trash and filling the water jugs on the course.

    As I got older and more trusted I got more responsibilities including running the register, answering the phone, taking tee times and working the snack bar in addition to the other above tasks. I also was able to be the head cart jock on the weekends making sure the few guys working in the back were all doing what they should be doing.

    In the spring I helped with the course opening usually on spring break. This was tough work cleaning the limbs off the course that had fallen in the winter and getting the irrigation system back on line. Lots of back breaking digging and whatnot but fun.

    As I got older i wanted to make more $ so I jumped into the maintenance side and did everything from weed whacking and ditch digging to running machines like the sand trap groomer and mowing tees, collars and approaches. Eventually I even learned to mow greens.

    There is allot to do at a course. it will depend on your course's rules and practices to determine where you might be able to fit in.

    One big perk is usually free golf. Busier courses however limit when you can actually play so be aware that weekend mornings are probably not included.

  5. You will never know until you ask the club.

    Better yet ask the Head green keeper.

    We have kids working at my club that are about your age, they work around the course doing maintenance, like weeding, cleaning out bunkers and the like.

    Then they jump on the course for nine holes.

    Theres nothing like practice

  6. Most golf courses will hire you at 16. I started working at my local golf course at 15. They make me wash the carts and charge them after the course closes. Benefits you will most likely see is free golf and they will probably let you drive the carts even though you are not 18.

  7. There is no harm in applying. The worst thing that can happen is they say no. If you do get it job, it would probably be in the clubhouse.

    Only benefits I can see you getting from a job like that for the summer is cheaper golf rounds.

  8. My friend who is 16 works at a golf course. He cleans the course and whatnot. Just go apply and ask the manager.

  9. thats what i'm doing right now is working at a golf course.

    but at my course you can start at 16.

    and you'll probably be a cart jock.

    the bets thing about worknig at a golf course is getting free golf. or at leats thats what i get.

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