
Can 2 colored eye parents have a black/brown eyed kid?

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Lets say the parents have one blue/green, or green/green, or blue/blue is it possible for one of their kids to have a black or brown eyed kid?




  1. Yup brown must have been somewhere in the branches of the family tree, when someone says they can't they're not getting the full story I mean look at Tyra Banks both her parents had black/brown eyes. Aishwarya Rai who is Indian and has green eyes.

    Just depends on what genes are dominant. Eye color is an inherited trait influenced by more than one gene....

  2. Oh it's possible. This lady at my church she has brown eyes and her husband has green eyes and the kid was born with 2 diff colored eyes. one is brown and the other is green.

  3. I don't know about hazel or green but ... the person who told you that two blue eyed people can't have a brown eyed baby is correct.  If one parent has blue eyes, and the other parent has something else, then anything is possible.  But if two parents have blue eyes and the kid has something else ??? I'd be looking at the milk man's eyes !

  4. I'm not sure about green.  But if both parents have blues eyes, there's no way their child can have brown eyes.  That's because blue-eyed people don't have any brown-eyed genes to pass down.  If they did, they're eyes would be brown, not blue.

    Here's how it works.  We all have two genes for eye color; one from our mother and one from our father.

    If you get brown-eyed genes from both parents, your eyes will be brown.  And since all you have is brown-eyed genes, that's what you'll pass down to your kids.

    If you get a blue-eye gene from one parent, and a brown-eyed gene from the other parent, your eyes will be brown.  That's because brown is dominant; it "rules out" the blue gene.  But you still have that blue-eyed gene in you; it just doesn't show.  And when you have kids, you might pass a blue-eyed gene to one, and a brown-eyed gene to another.  It's just luck of the draw.  The kid who gets your brown-eyed gene will have brown eyes, no matter what they get from the other parent.  The kid who gets your blue-eyed gene could have blue eyes, if they also get a blue-eyed gene from the other parent.  But if the other parent gives them a brown, that will over-rule your blue-eyed gene, and the kid will have brown eyes.

    If you have blue-eyed genes from both parents, your eyes will be blue.  And since that's all you have, that's all you can pass down to your kids.  So if your partner also has blue eyes, your kids have no choice but to have blue eyes as well.

  5. Absolutely.  Brown is the most dominant eye color for humans.  As long as there is one person in either family tree with brown eyes, it can carry to generations.

  6. Yes, especially if the grandparents have brown eyes. Dark eyes are a dominant gene.

  7. nope, if both parents have the same eye colour the child will  have that colour eye too.

  8. I have brown eyes and my husband has green eyes and all 3 of our girls have very blue eyes.  We figure its from the grandmothers who both have blue eyes.

  9. yes. the gene can skip so many generations and randomly show up.

  10. Anything is possible, just watch maury.

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