
Can 2 convict cichlids be with 2 Jack Dempsey cichlids?

by Guest58202  |  earlier

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55 gallon tank. For dither fish I have 3 silver dollars and 3 tinfoil barbs. My biggest fish is the male Jack Dempsey and he's about 5 inches now. I also have 2 plecos.




  1. I would not elect to put Convicts in with a JD unless the tank had at least a 6 foot footprint.  Jack Dempseys are rule the tank type fish, and do not tolerate other South American cichlids or any other cichlid really.  The dither fish are an interesting aspect, and the idea of their speed to avoid the Dempsey is interesting, and I think that would work out quite well.

    The difference between those dithers and the Convict, is the dither is just going to try to avoid aggression, where the Convict will not, and sooner or later, the Convicts and Dempsey are going to have a showdown.  Should this be a mating pair, a Dempsey could be well challenged.  By that same token, if it's a mating pair, in a 55 gallon tank, you may face being over populated with Convicts in a short time too.

    I'd just leave the dithers only in this case.

  2. The most important detail you didn't give. How big is your convict. If they are 2.5 - 3.0 inches, they should be fine with two 5 inches jd. Convict cichlids are smart and quick, best to give them a decor to hide at.

    I keep two 1 inch black convict cichlids with a 3.5 inches flowerhorn.

  3. Dempsey's have been known to eat barbs and smaller fish, especially as they grow larger, and they grow between 6 to 10 inches.  Your 55 gallon tank is not going to be sufficient for all these fish.   You can read more details at the link below.  Good luck!  

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