
Can 2 dwarf hammies live in this cage?

by Guest59230  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike the cage is on this site plz tell me as i am getting 2 dwarf hamsters i want to know if i can keep them in this cage i need advise!!!!!! =)




  1. nope, i have that cage for my syrian who passed away but i had to get another for my 2 dwarfs, you must get one specially for dwarf hamsters because the bars on that cage are too large and they can squeze through, there is one called mickey max which i bought from pets at home and it is suitable, not expensive and it is a wire cage so the dwarf hammies love climbing up the sides and along the top, its fun to watch! this is it

    also they might not be able to climb up the tubes because they are too small for this cage .x

  2. I wouldn't recommend any of those cages. I have 2 Roborovski hamsters and they live in a bigger cage than that, because they like to run around. I suggest you find a cage in PetSmart.

  3. ya that looks good:) i had 2 dwarf hamsters and their cage was alot smaller than that and they did just fine.  you should buy them a ball and wheel to run in though so they can get some more exercise.

  4. the first age is good but it has bars so they might escape but it has tunnels and differnt sections so it good the other1 also has bars but not reachable i would go for the second 1 just incase they escape

  5. yes it looks big enough

  6. None of those are good cages I have one dwarf hamster and he lives in this one

  7. i think so

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