
Can 2 hamsters grow up together and not kill each other in the cage?

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Please help I really really want to know!




  1. If they are babies. Even if they are littermates they will fight once noticing eachother. As they get older. If they are syrian hamsters they are very solitary. Dwrafs are fine together. Only keep syrians together if they are babies.  

  2. Syrians will ALWAYS fight to death. Male and male, female and female, female and male- all will fight to the death if housed together beyond puberty at about fifteen weeks.

    Dwarf hamsters are normally okay if they have been littermates, but it can vary greatly.

  3. It all depends on the type of Hamsters you have. Syrian hamsters (the larger breed of hamsters) absolutely cannot live together, they will fight to the death.  The other types of hamsters (Dwarf Campbell Russian hamster, Chinese hamster, Roborovskii hamster, and the winter white Russian hamster.) can live together, and are happier that way. :) But watch out! Opposite gender pairs could have babies, and lots of them.

  4. yes, if you got 2 males they would live together fine if they are brothers or if you introduced them at a very young age. if they are 2 females you should introduce them at a young age but they could be fine if theyre older too, just dont get one, then get another and put it directly into the first ones cage, introduce them in a place neither of them have been before. if you have a male and a female all you need to do is put the male in first or the female will kill him. if they still end up killing each other, you didnt do anything wrong they just didnt like each other.

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