
Can 2 people sign for a house,apartment,or condo at the age of 18 ?

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Me and my friend is planning on moving into an apartment or condo when we get out of school. The only problem is we dont know if both of us can sign for it and we only be 18. We dont know where to start looking or when would be the best time. Someone please help us out.....




  1. The rule is that people under 18 can not enter into a binding contract.  So most landlords won't rent to anyone under 18.  You are fine.  Rent anything you want. is where everyone else looks.

  2. depends on how much money u have to make a deposit, a steady income, and good credit.

  3. buying and renting is two different things... but anything can be done... i bought my first property at age 19 =)

  4. I don't know in your place but I signed my first apartment rental contract when I'm at your age.

  5. are you refering to buying or renting? if renting you should have no problems, buying you should have no problems either, but make sure you know that it is very important that each person know the responcibility's each one will have, it is not a game to move out on your own.. bills come, and when they do they have to be paid.. take your time, find a good realty company to help you out.. good luck..

  6. you are adults at 18. You can purchase or lease a home. Go to, then choose a realtor that looks good to you.

  7. At age 18 you are legal adults and can legally sign leases, contracts, etc.

    I'm sure this is not what you want to hear but stay at home and save money if you can.  I moved out while still in high school, it wasn't as easy as I thought it would be.  After about a year I moved back to my parents and went to college, like I should have in the first place!

  8. Legally you should be able to; however, many landlords will run a credit check and if you don't have any credit they may require a co-signer. Depends on the landlord.

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