
Can 'Love & Respect' be separated?

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Can 'Love & Respect' be separated?




  1. Yes.  There are many people I respect (co-workers, friends family members, etc., etc.), but I don't love them.  In some ways, I have respected people I have never met...more or less based on something they invented, or an idea they had, but I didn't know them personally, so how can I love them?

  2. It can. My co-workers respect me, but only those who are close friends love me. I don't think love can exist without respect, though.

  3. I'm fairly certain to love someone you must respect them on some level.

    Think of it this way, think of someone you have no respect for, like zero.

    Could you love them?

    I suppose a family member you will always love, even though you could never respect them, such as a meth addict sibling or something.

    Poster above me makes a very good point. There are many you can respect without loving, i mainly focused on love without respect, not vice versa.

  4. Love is built upon respect.

    Not true the other way round.

  5. With an idea as amorphous as "love" anything is possible.  When an idea can only be described by saying "you'll know it when you feel it," logical discussions on the matter are out the window.  Is this love or indigestion?  I can't tell!

  6. YES FOR SURE!!! I mean I love my kids and you can love animals too. But do you respect them in the same way you respect a literary genius or an artist or an really great intellectual whose opinions you respect?  They are not at all the same.

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