
Can't Do a Back Dive!?

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I'm a ten year old girl that LOVES to dive. I even have an inground pool but the only problem is i'm afraid to do a back dive. Incase you don't know what that is it's a dive backwards, sort of like a backbend into the water. I can do a backbend fine its just when your doing it into the water it seems scarier. But the one thing I don't get is that my 7 year old brother can do one fine and had no problems when he did his first one! What do you think he does that I don't, in other words, what do I do to just get my nerve up to try it?




  1. yeah its not scary once you just off. what are you going to do besides fall into the water? just hold your hand up, lean back and jump off. the water catches you

  2. You're doing a back dive straight, right?

    Well, it's a bit like the back bend, like back line up, but with spring.  Try bending your knees first, nice and slow, then dive backwards.  Make sure you arch enough to make it in - don't dive straight backwards.  Don't be afraid- good luck! :)

  3. Take it one step at a time. First try it in the water then work up the nerve to try it once you feel comfortable. Have your brother do it again and watch how he does it. Practice in the water then on the diving board.

  4. It is hard to do backdives in shallow water.  So first of all be careful of that!  Start practicing doing one off the steps. Have you Mom or Dad spot you.  Have them put a hand on your lower back, and as you spring back have them lift up a little to make sure you have enough arch.  Then work up the courage to do it off the side of the pool with a spotter.  

    Then try without a spotter until you feel comfortable enough to do it on your own.  Good luck!
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