
Can't Stand Bill O'Reilly?

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I wanna know how many people out there cannot stand this arrogant, rude, annoying man who presents "facts" that are somehow constantly changing... Please tell me there are other people in the same boat as me!!!




  1. I never watch the news and have never watched O'Reilly.

  2. Too bad! Don't watch him and you won't have this problem. At least he isn't being shoved in your face like all this g*y coverage is. You have the option to watch him or not. I for one like his views and dislike all this liberal agenda providing coverage of the abnormal, minority related, illegal immigrant, Hollywood nonsense. Show me topics regarded as worthy for the majority!

  3. LoooooooooooooL. Get in line ----- You're not the first one today. The guy is a baboon! LoooooL

    "This is an amazing honor. I WANT you to know that I Spend so much TIME

    in the world that is spinning all the time, that to be in the no-spin zone actually gives me vertigo."

    (Stephen Colbert on the O’reilly Factor)

  4. yes, he is so obnoxious. All he is good at is steam rollering people. He is just in it for the money. He was on an open mic once with Hannity & Rupert Murdock making fun of how stupid their viewers are & this was in the news & gone so quick. The Cons. didn't even want anyone hearing it about them so as much as they repeat stories & words they let this one die out real quick. Most people don't even watch him unless they are braindead so you might not hear from allot of people who have even wasted their time on him.

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