
Can't USA Replace Executions With Kodiac Island Transfers?

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Eliminate cruel and unusual man-made executions. Transfer

all USA capital crime felons to landing site on Alaska's Kodiac

Island where ability to overcome natural elements provide new

opportunity of a lifetime. Nothing could be more natural than

nature itself.

Occupants are free to utilize natural resources or become likewise exploited by environment. Federal institutions

providing felons could transfer them to one having training

facility about survival skills best likely to assist any absolute

year-around liberty upon Kodiac Island.

Landed at one end of island and schedule annual visits at opposite end by visiting Federal patrol vessel. Are fairly certain this will not abuse the resident population of island Bruin. Not with every felon armed with one Swiss Army Knife and knowledge of food resources.

Interested lawyers would likewise be free to hike in after clients

or solicit new business in the wilderness.




  1. This would cost less than to house the executed.

    There could be a T.V. Show like Survivor which could portray the prisoners via sattelite T.V. in their struggle a show easy to picture as being from a decadent time. The idea like The Gladiators Of Ancient Rome.

    On the other hand an arena with convicts pitted against vigilantes and those who believe against the death penalty with the survivors free to leave would be just as good.

    The corrupt corporate types ,corrupt politicians, and police officers could try their hand as well as sadistic prison guards, a full house in short of criminality.  This would be an alternitive to civil war as well. Gangs could settle fights by themselves in an enclosed arena though no guns accepted. The numbers never enough to revolt. This may not be acceptable yet though give things say five hundred years and maybe like Ancient Rome it could happen.Maybe sooner if satisfaction remains strong.

  2. Why would you destroy a beautiful part of Alaska?

    Wall off Manhattan Island and put them there, instead.

    Or Texas may even be better!!!  We already have a wall along the southern border.

  3. f

  4. How 'bout we just take them out to the back of the courthouse after they're convicted and shoot them in the head.

  5. That sounds like a great idea except for the residents of Kodiac Island. How do you think they would like their island overrun with criminals? Unless of course, we parachute them in there in the summer with no winter coat or survival gear.

  6. Nice thought, but the bears are not accustomed to "tainted" food, would the environmentalists would sue the government for miss treatment of the bears?

  7. Cruel and unusual crimes call for cruel and unusual punishments.

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