
Can't a guinea pig use a hamster ball?

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Can't a guinea pig use a hamster ball?




  1. They have been shown to cause back problems in piggies, but if you do use the chinchilla size.

  2. Sure, but you'd have to find one big enough for a guinea pig. Guinea pigs are far bigger than hamsters. Good luck. :)

  3. No, they can break their backs in them. Guinea pigs do not bend like hamsters. I have known of guinea pigs dying in those things.

    Most of the things the pet store will try to sell you are bad for them.

    When in doubt, refer to

  4. NOOOOO guinea pigs spines are in a frown shape, and balls will hurt their backs.... just let it run around on the floor AS YOU WATCH IT, GP's are big enough for that=]

  5. Yes.

  6. No this will hurt the guinea pig....even if there is a big enough ball for it or a specially made one you guinea pig will get hurt or fracture its foot or leg.

    Though technically their spine does not curve back like hamsters, you can buy a big enough ball so that it will not hurt the guinea pig's spine. They have actually created exercise balls for the guinea pig, they are much larger so the spine wont have to curve as much. But there is no reason why your guinea pig can't run around the house, just keep a close eye on it and buy a small litter box for it, that's what we did with mine and he LOVES it!

  7. Never put your cavy in a small hamster ball. If you want it to run around be careful and watch it carefully. They are much faster than they look.

  8. well, 1st Off Balls Really Arent Safe.

    1. The Air Holes Are Pretty Small, I Have a friend who put her guinea pig in there and died of heat.

    2. They can Run Into Wall's And Hurtt Parts Of Their Body Doing It.

    3. They look like they are enjoying it but there not. you put them in this round thing and they dont kno what 2 do so they run around and stuff. it's not the best thing for your pet.

  9. In theory they could, but I would think they would be much more comfortable not in one.  If you're worried about them getting into things, perhaps get a little play yard for the piggie? Those usually don't cost must, and you don't even need to get a very large one.  (They can't really jump/climb.)

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