
Can't access the same website being accessed on another computer through wireless router?

by  |  earlier

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How can this be fixed? Same router - Belkin N1 in the house and my friends and I are trying to access the same website but diff computer. But everytime on my end - says page cannot be displayed - but he can access it.




  1. if you are using the same router and trying to access the same site... and you're only having problems with one site in particular while other sites work... you might be having a problem with your computer's firewall or browser.. try to use another browser (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, Netscape Navigator) or check your firewall settings.

  2. The problem may occur for many reasons. These reasons include, but are not limited to, the following:

    •Internet Explorer connection settings are incorrect.

    •An incorrect entry exists in a Hosts file.

    •There exists a Winsock issue.

    •TCP/IP is not installed or is not functioning correctly.

    •There is a  WinSock registry problem.

    •The Internet Connection Sharing installation is damaged or is not functioning.

    •If you are using America Online (AOL) or CompuServe, there may be parental control restrictions applied to the account.

    •Incorrectly configured or non-functioning firewall or proxy software.

    Where to begin to isolate the problem:

    1. Test other known good sites -,, or

    2.  Connectivity issues or network-related issues:

      a. Power cycle the modem or router

      b. Delete your temporary Internet files and cookies

      c. Verify firewall or router settings

      d. Repair the connection

    I know... that is a lot of "possiblities".  I would highly suggest following this link and trying one step at time to try to resolve the connection issue.

    The fact that your friend can access websites through the router tells me that the issue is not the router.  If you are unable to access ANY of the websites your friend can access, I highly recommend following the steps listed below to determine what exactly is preventing your page from being displayed.

  3. Can you get to ANY websites?

    Try going to Start > Run > type CMD > type ping

    Do you get a response back?  Or does it time out?

    If you do have WWW connectivity and its ONLY this site, I have a few other things to check.

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