
Can't afford the groom's ring...what do I do?

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We are getting married on the 27TH of September, and I am not able to afford a ring for him...he says it is fine but I want to get him a ring or something else...but all the money we have is going to the wedding, we can barely afford our there something you did that is unique or different? I really REALLY need your help!

Thanks in advance!




  1. I don't mean to sound rude, but you did a really bad job budgeting if you left out money for the groom's ring.  That's kind of one of the most important part of the wedding, exchanging a symbol of your everlasting commitment.

    Is there anything less important you can cut back on to find a little bit of money for his ring?  He kind of needs one!  And in this situation I think pretty much anything else is less important than buying the ring.  Are their extra favours, decor or excess flowers that you could return?  Could you exchange your ring for two less expensive ones?

    That being said, if you can't find any money in your budget, men's rings are very inexpensive anyways, it's one of the most affordable parts of a wedding budget.  Try

    They have rings for like $50-$100.

    As another poster said, you can always upgrade in the future.

  2. If it is fine with him than leave it be for the time being,  Then when you are married and have your finances together again surprise him with something.

    In place of the ring you can do something special for him at the reception.  Maybe write a poem for him or something that you know he would like.  Do something special for him.

  3. hey ... i dont wana make anyone mad or anything, but what would you say, think if he said he dint have money to buy yours or even to buy u a engagement ring???? ITS THE SAME THING, go and buy one ,and if you cant even aford a cheap one, you gota cut something off of the wedding

  4. Men's wedding rings don't have to be super expensive. When my husband and I were looking we found some for under $100, and some even under $50. Maybe you could get him something inexpensive for now, and later on, for an anniversary or something, get him something more.

  5. Get your priorities in order.  Rings are more important than the honeymoon.  You can always take a honeymoon at a later date.  You can find cheaper rings at Wal-Mart.  

  6. I'm not sure how critical your $$$ situation is but you can certainly find inexpensive bands for him. The Tiffany's website (Yes, THE Tiffany's website) has silver wedding bands for like $250-$350. If you want to go even more inexpensive, check out They have them for like $50 or $60. Nobody will know the difference and you can always give him a better one for your 1yr, 5yr, 10yr anniversary gift! good luck hon

  7. You can surely check Overstock or eBay even and get some nice rings. But when I got married we couldn't afford anything fancy, so we bought our rings at SEARS!! His ring was like $90, nothing fancy, bought he would never wear a ring anyway since he works with his hands and that's a bit dangerous for him. He's bought me a much nicer ring since then, but you just get what you can afford for now. Maybe you should off on the honey-moon for awhile~~there is no rule that says you have to honey-moon right away or at all for that matter. There are more important things to spend your money on right now.

    Good luck.

  8. oh but you can...go to walmart, they have mens sterling silver rings for under $25... i think there are even some for $10. go there!

  9. you have to get him a ring. how can you afford the rest of your wedding if you can't even afford a ring??? they're really not that expensive. walmart has nice men's wedding bands for like $29.  just get him one. put it on a credit card if you have to.

  10. Go to Walmart , Kmart,  Target their rings are not the expensive and later you can get him a different one  for    your anniversary. You really can't tell with a Menes ring.

  11. Has he purchased your ring yet?many times you can get the 2 wedding

    bands as a set.Check the counters at Wal-mart and K-Mart for jewelry that is marked down.10k gold will be a little cheaper than 14k but looks as good and will wear even better as it's harder from the extra alloys that are added.Some sale iteams are returns and only need a little cleaning to bring back their brightness.good luck and congratulations on your upcomeing marriage.

  12. I'd be sure I could afford the rings before affording a honeymoon!

    Where are your priorities?

    You could take a delayed honeymoon at some time in the future in order to be able to buy your groom a ring.

    Besides that, you can find most mens rings for around $100.  

  13. Lets see im getting married on october 25th and my fiance and i were looking for rings. We went to jcp and they were expensive! so we went to walmart, they have really good deals, one of the rings was 28 dollars! and another one at about 58! You could probly get them there.

    If you don't have enough money for a 28 dollar ring, maybe you should just get a gold or silver .25 ring to use at the ceremony, and then buy a ring when you guys are able to.  

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