
Can't afford to get mercury fillings removed- are there supplements in the meantime to guard against toxicity?

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In addition, I have lupus and kidney disease. Thanks.




  1. You do not have 'mercury fillings' you have amalgam fillings which have a miniscule amount of mercury in them.  Amalgam fillings have never been shown to have any ill effects in the body.  There has never been a case of mercury toxicity from amalgam fillings.  This is mainly an old wives tale.  Amalgam fillings are still the filling of choice for dentists.  

    Reading other's answers, I'd like to know what SCIENTIFIC data there is that drinking non fluoridated water will get rid of mercury?  Oh...right...there isn't any.  I guess people will believe anything they read on the internet...probably why so many snake oil salesmen still exist.  I note that no one produced one study regarding the effects of mercury in amalgam fillings....once again because each and every study shows that there is no danger.  One of the reasons that we still have teeth is due to fluoridated water.  One only need look back to the early 20th century to see the state of dental care to see how much this has changed our life...non fluoridated toothpaste...what do you think prevents gingivitis?  No one in here with a medical or dental degree, right?  Interesting....

    Composite fillings (the white filling) don't last as long nor wear as well and also can cause tooth fracture.  Sure they look nice but do not have the track record that amalgam has.  The manufacturers are continually making better and better composite products but there will always be a need for amalgam, gold and silver fillings, onlays, inlays and crowns.  

    I am a dentist and also have severe organ involved lupus including Lupus Nephritis (kidney) and would never recommend anything to my patients that would compromise their health.  I assure you that there is no problem with your amalgam fillings.

  2. Calcium EDTA, Chlorella, Cilantro and other foods and supplements will help get rid of some of the mercury in your system. Avoid flouridated water and filter out chlorine. Use a non-flouride toothpaste.

    Here's one article about it: There are others; just do a search for "mercury chelation."

    You might also check with Renew Life to see if their Heavy Metal Detox or Merc-Free Cleanse is safe for you:

  3. Mercury MUST be removed. It causes damage to your nervous system. This is proven. Plus, mercury stays in your system for life. The damage done to humans has only been recently discovered by many research findings.

    So, this must be your top priority - even at an enormous cost.

    Sorry about your lupus and kidney disease. The Q is which one do you attend to first, all of them top priorities.

    God bless.

  4. This might seem like a strange answer, but if it at all possible drink water that's not fluorinated.

    The biggest problem with mercury fillings in that they react with fluoride to form a metal complex which is extremely toxic (and leeched out of the fillings).

    Additionally, Fluoride often taxes the kidneys, to the point that dialysis machines (used when complete kidney failure happens) use reverse osmosis filtered water specifically to take fluoride out of water (and the kidney association has come out saying fluroide trashes the kidneys).

    I know fluoride sometimes causes lupus, but that part isn't as strongly shown/proven.  The main thing which causes lupus is aspartame, you might want to look into your diet and see if that's anywhere.

    Also by any chance have you been suffering from thyroid problems?

    Anyhow, other than fluoride removal, most of the treatments I know of for mercury detox are somewhat of a pain.

    They include;

    Don't eat food with mercury (ie. fish up in the food chain)

    Use chelating agents (ie. edta, chlorella), which is a pain because other than chlorella, every single one basically needs a doctor to help you (which starts to add up cost wise).

    Hope that helps.  Ideally you want the fillings out, but I understand the limitations you have, so hopefully that works.

    If you'd like any more info on fluoride (ie. a copy of an excellent book written on it) I'd be happy to send you it if you give me your email!

  5. what you have in your teeth is not mercury but mixture of metals that is stable to a piont that may not release the mercury out,

    i know that the wooo haaa about the mercury is being going on for a while, it was first started by the dentists that developed the plastic and ceramic materials and they published that all mercury has to be removed,

    here are some publications that may help make some "sense" in the field and save some "cents" too:

    good dental care is major

  6. The mercury from those fillings have evaporated long time ago. It evaporates in a matter of days. So if there was a danger of mercury getting in your body from those fillings it's already there. What you have left in your teeth is mostly silver and other solid metals. Small amount of mercury was used to soften them up when the filling was placed.

    Supplements that fight toxicity are A, C and E vitamins. Cleansing your colon and liver might be benefitial as well.

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