
Can't connect to xbox live - ip address: failed

by  |  earlier

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I dont know what the problem could be? My desktop pc connects to the internet wirelessly (modem and router upstairs) and I'm trying to share this connectio with my xbox 360. I've plugged the ethernet cable from the xbox to the back of my pc and i know its working because i can stream/watch music and videos which are stored on the computer from the xbox. However, when i try to connect to xbox live i get the ip address failed message. this used to work fine, but when i moved house and got a new internet connection, thats when the problem started. Ps - when i connect the ethernet cable directly to the router i can connect to xbox live. However i dont want to do this because the router is upstairs and i dont want wires running throught the house.

Any help will be much appreciated. thanks




  1. try to manually set your ip address

  2. you have to connect the ethernet cable to the router. streaming videos/music has nothing to do with the internet. if you dont want to plug the cable directly into the router, get a wireless ethernet plug. (they cost about 70-100$) thins might make your connection slower though, resulting in laggy gameplay.

  3. While you connected your Xbox to your computer you didn't set up your computer to share the internet connection. I am not sure if you have XP or Vista or I can't give you the first step in detail, but I can tell you kind of where to go.

    1) (Depending on your Operating System) Go to the Control Panel and then go to something along the lines of Network.

    2) Then go to  to Manage Network Connections.

    3) Once here, right click on the icon corresponding to the port that you connected your Xbox to. It is probably LAN (Local Area Connection).

    4) After right clicking, click on Properties

    5) Click on the 'Sharing' tab located at the top of the new window.

    6) Check off the box saying "Allow other users to connect..."

    7)Click OK

    8) On your Xbox, test the connection again (make sure your IP address and etc. is set to Automatic, which is default).

    That should make it work.

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