
Can't control some of my thoughts...?

by  |  earlier

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Ok, you know how hypnotists do that thing with the watch, where they go "You are feeling very sleepy" or along the lines of that, and they hold it by the string and let it move like a pendulum.

I can't think of that. Whenever I try to think of it, the clock goes a full 360 degrees rotation, instead of just the amount it's meant to. I can think of it when I do the motion with my hand, but of course I look like an utter twit doing it.

I've only started not to be able to control my thoughts when I started puberty (I think). Another one I can't do is think of an object flying straight forward, unless I move my hand forward/

May I ask if any of you have this problem, or if i'm alone (Though one of my friends admitted he also has the same problem)




  1. Everyone has these minor visual problems, but they all vary and are usually unimportant.

    You might want to watch clips over and over until without playing them, you can visualize the same thing. ofcourse, this isnt the best way to spend your time...

    If they seem to have a hold on your life and prevent your from doing everyday things, see a doctor. However, most likely its just a fluke that happens to all of us and is relatively a matter of life.  

  2. Common.  Don't worry about it.

  3. Oh so that's whats wrong with men, puberty makes the brain in your head go numb, and leaves you nothing but the head of your d**k to think with!  I've always wondered about that and now I know, thanks!

  4. i do.

    i can think of a person rolling forward. they always fall over, lol.

  5. they have meds that will help u control ur thought

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