
Can't cope with MY pms anymore?

by  |  earlier

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I can't live like this anymore... I am at my witt's end with this d**n pms and it's driving me over the edge! I can't cope with it anymore. I've tried Agnus Castus and I'm on Prozac and I exercise, have a decent diet and I'm still debiliated with this. I am Bipolar so I guess that doesn't help. I work full-time and I'm at work right now but I'm just one heck of a mess. What can I do? I just feel like there's no end to this... Month in, month out it's the same :(




  1. I'm presuming you mean pre menstrual syndrome.

    It might depress you, but Prozac doesn't treat hormones.

    I suggest you get your hormone levels checked, if you're a bit high on testosterone it will make you very aggro.

    Sometimes going on a pill with the right levels of hormone you need helps a lot.

    Maybe see a different doctor - your's might be a bit preoccupied with your Bipolar and isn't (it would seem) be taking the PMS seriously.


    Ask for a referral to a gynaecologist.

    You have my sympathy. On the lighter side, some men think it should

    be called "blame my partner for everything!"

  2. I can't live if living is without you.

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