
Can't even go out in public without getting scared anymore! What is going on?

by  |  earlier

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I am just useless in life anymore. Take today. I am off of work on Wednesdays, and usually use this day to get all my running around done. I used to be so proud of myself for actually getting tasks accomplished. Now I am having trouble just going to the grocery store. There are stores that I would like to go to and things I need to get, but I always chicken out the moment I get ready to get into my car to go do them. There have been times I have pulled up in the parking lot and had to leave because I started feeling a panic attack coming on. I literally HATE leaving my house. Yes, I do work. I think the only reason I do ok with work is because I am familiar with the building and people I work with. I just have a huge fear of being around people anymore. Is there anyone else who feels this way? How do you manage? Thank you.




  1. Yes! I use to go through this, and I still do sometimes. It just randomly started....when i was in a group of people i felt as if i couldn't breath, i would get dizzy, and get hot flashes. Then I decided the only solution to my poroblem is to face my fear. For example if I am ever afraid of going out, I'll push myslef to go out and just grab a water bottle along with me. Here's the technique I use which really helped me. I'll be walking towards a store, and i'll say "I give you permission to panic after 200 steps" (its kinda stupid but hey! it works!) By those 200 steps im 1/4 into the store and I realize nothing happened and I start to relax. It really works! If you are out in public and feel an anxiety attack coming up just drink a little water and it'll cool you down. Another thing is that you should stay away from coffee and too much sugar, instead have fruits and veggies.  

  2. I have this. You need to talk to your doctor as I plan to. You are lucky it does not interfere with your job.  I wish you the best as I understand your problem.

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