
Can't everyone just be an equalist, wouldn't the world be happier?

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If everyone was an equalist then everything would be fair. We'd work to make the world a better and fairer place for people and the environment.

There's too much energy in people fighting and arguing, they should put that passion into improving the world.




  1. The truth is that it's human nature to react and take action. take for example the ongoing war.  These people attacked us for no reason in the first place. We can try to be equal but sometimes others don't want to and we can't just sit down and take the humiliation. That goes to the stupid fella in the office too.

  2. I have been trying to get that point across to these people for the past week and all I get back is hatred. Like I have stated before we need a paradigm shift where ALL things are equal not just people.

  3. I love it!

    EDIT: What the h**l is wrong with being an equalist??  haha I am offended by the thumbs down! Cheers!! Peace!

  4. theres way too many different kinds of ppl and beleifs, and opinions to ever be equal.(ex. somone will disagree with this statement)

  5. It is all semantics really. Alot of people who claim feminism as an attitude are more solidly equalist in aims.

  6. The world would be a better place, but that is not going to happen for a long, long time. Human beings are instinctively status conscious. Being a social species, it has been important to have roles and superiors and inferiors. Evolution and adaptation takes time.

  7. No, the world would NOT be happier if everyone accepted the false belief that men and women are different, and therefore have different rights.

    The men and women who didn't fit equalists misconceptions would all be treated unfairly and would be miserable.

    What would make the world happier would be for people to have ACCURATE, rather than innaccurate, beliefs.

  8. You are a feminist not an equalist, hypocrite.

  9. Evil ideologies(like feminism) are standing in the way of true equality.

  10. Yes, but the unavoidable fact is that almost everyone has one group or issue to focus on. That doesn't mean ignoring everyone else completely. It just means thinking primarily about the one.

  11. The problem with equalism is that its focus is far too broad.  Without narrowing it down to specific inequalities, nothing can be accomplished.

    Nikki, you haven't been promoting equalism.  You've been denigrating feminism.

  12. That all sounds good dear, unfortunately it seems apparent that some people seem to be more "equal" than others.

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