
Can't find DVD+R X8 in stores.?

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Where can i get dvd+r X8 discs in stores? all they have anymore are X16 and it won't work in my burner. i tried some online form ebay but they suck!!! they are all blanks. Any ideas, info... anything?




  1. It doesn't make sense that 16X blanks don't work. The rating is maximum speed, not minimum. I suspect you have some other problem.

    Have you checked the speed your burner software is trying to use? If it's faster than the drive supports it will burn coasters. Possibly manually setting it to a slower speed will help.

  2. The 16x rating on DVD+R are maximum ratings.  You can use 16x on a 8x DVD burner.  The DVD burner will burn 16x at its maximum speed, which in this case would be 8x.

    Either your DVD+R discs or DVD burner is low quality.

    I would recommend Memorex, Sony, Fuji, or Imation DVD+R brands.  Stay away from off-brands.

    High quality DVD burners are cheap these days. I bought a high quality NEC 16x burner at Newegg for $20.  I suggest you upgrading.

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