
Can't find a good home architect design software, help/?

by  |  earlier

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I'm trying to find a good but affordable home design program that will let me take a pic of outside or in , then stick it onto my computer to render into the program to put objects or paint schemes, decorate, floor plan, etc. I was thinking of Total 3D but I saw bad ratings on it and people say its really clunky.




  1. I'm looking for one too and i found a lot of different ones at Costco that i've been wanting to get. Most of them let you scan a picture into the game and do all the things inside that you would do in a regular house.

  2. Architect or Interior Design?

    My dad uses AutoCad, but I'm not sure what its for, cuz he draws buildings and tables and stuff, but its more of an outline unless you arent printing it.  I think AutoCad is for you but i dont know house much it costs.

    If you want, try google sketch-up. Its free

  3. I use AutoCAD, but I'm in the industry and it cost nearly $5000 for one license.  TurboCad should fit your bill at $200.  If you're a school teacher, you can pick up software cheap.

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