
Can't find a recent article stating how recycling is bad. any help would be nice?

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i'm doing a speech on how recycling (primarily papers and plastics) is worse for the environment than using it for other uses...or just burying it. and i know that is not the best thing to do either. we all know that if we are to bury stuff it needs to be biodegradable, but thats not the issue here. i am having trouble finding an article dated 6 months to a year old (no older) giving a real life example of how recycling paper or plastic is worse for the environment than making it anew. any help at all would be greatly appreciated.




  1. You're going to have a hard time finding that because recycling is good. It's like trying to find a paper within the last 6 months or even years for that matter stating how smoking is not bad for your health. It just isn't going to happen.

    Enort... That may be true but the point of recycling is to save resources not energy.

  2. Start looking into E-Waste and how it is recycled.

    Many old computer and electronic components (E-Waste) that are "recycled" in the United States are shipped overseas, where pollution regulations are much more lax.  Thus, they can separate out the precious metals from the equipment using processes that are dangerous for the workers and pollute the environment.

    I started doing some research on this for you, but rapidly ended up with too many web sites.   Search for words like Electronics Recycling and then China or India.

    Other than that, I'd be hard-pressed to think of a way that recycling is bad.

    Good luck!

  3. While I don't fully agree with it, I did hear a student presentation on this and found it interesting.  At any rate, a site I found, and I'm sure a little more effort and you'll be able to find something even more reputable:

    Jan 24, 2007:

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