
Can't find my Driving License?

by  |  earlier

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I can't seem to find it I have turned my place upside down and still can't find it. I need to have it asap as I'm leaving the country next week to live in Europe and I need it so I can get a Europe License. Is there any way to expedite it? I know I have to take my Mil ID and Social Security card to the local DMV, But all they give you is a temp instead of doing one on site and then they send it to you in the mail. I need it before the 10th.




  1. There is no way to get a license faster.  They aren't printed on site, and they take time.  Sorry, but you have to just go, use your Military ID as identification and wait until someone forwards your license to you.

  2. I don't think there's a special whip to expedite how the DMV employees work.  There's a ginormous line at the DMV full of people with similar or worse problems than yours.

    I assume that if you have your passport, Military CAC card, and SS card, your Temp Driver's License would be your 4th form of proof that you are who you say you are.  Getting a European License shouldn't be too difficult with FOUR different kinds of ID (unless you're in some sort of Bourne Identity situation). If they give you shiite, well bollocks to them!

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