
Can't find the remote for the television,any suggestions?

by  |  earlier

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I've tried most places but need more,the person with the correct location get's the ten points.




  1. dude maybe someone threw it away.

  2. still at the shop you haven't brought the t v yet  

  3. In the window, on the table, kicthen? Oh! On top of the tv! (it's happened, it's looking me in the face and I still won't see it)

  4. Up your a*s.

  5. Check the fridge babe...that is where I find mine. I am going to have a chip implanted so that the alarm on it goes off when I misplace it...hey if it works to find missing children and dogs..why not my one vice?


  6. ha ha!

    your funny!

    have you looked behind the sofa, underneath it?

    it depends how your living room is set out.

    hope i helped.

    take care


  7. Try under the dog, between the cushions, and under the sofa ♥

  8. have you tried down the side of the sofa, on the floor, in a draw, under the bed cover, under some clothes or under a rug hope this helps :)

  9. I don't know that you have a TV...

  10. use the tv

    or you could look in the fridge i put my remote there once by mistake :S strange i know

  11. down the side of the sofa

    allways happens to me lol

    you be suprised what can fit down there !!

    might find some £££££££££ aswell

    ive put mine in the fridge b4 when i was looking for a  munch  

  12. Is it in your other hand?

    Or the reason you can't turn the tv over manually is because it's really a microwave?

    Just a thought.

  13. switch off the tv  

  14. Gah, I hate it when that happens!!! Check under the couch...or inbetween/under the  couch cushions.

  15. look in ur back pocket

  16. how the h**l am I meant to know what your house looks like?

    in the bin?


    downt the back of your sofa?

    I dont know...


  17. It's in Djibouti.

    That's a real country.

  18. Cant you use the buttons on the side of your TV most tvs have them also ask your partner or wife if you have one (they might steel it to keep it on channel they like) check your bedroom and your bathrooms also thats where i have found my remote on many occaisions

  19. who cares just missing the news anyway

    however i think you got up to use the bathroom last night made a sandwich grabbed a glass a milk and what you thought was a gian t OREO.  so go down to the kitchen and check the glass of milk probably still in there soaking

  20. The last place you look.

  21. Ask the wife to look for it?

  22. Somewhere in the sofa or under it.

  23. your sitting on it, move your butt.

  24. under the couch, in the couch, in the bathroom, in the icebox (i have actually found mine in there)

  25. Special Ed's Sock Puppet took it to Bangkok to trade.

  26. Underneath your fat wife?

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