I've been a vegetarian for 5 years now, and I'm making the awesome transition to vegan. I've researched it throughly, and I know it's the right thing to do, it's a great lifestyle. The problem is, I live in a small Canadian city, and I can't find any vegan alternatives. The only things I've found are Soy Milk, Tofu, and some mock veggie meats, like veggie burgers and "deli" slices. However, I can't find vegan cheese, vegan yogurt, vegan mayonaise, or anything like that. What should I do? I'll be moving to a much larger city to go to college in a year or two, and they have everything there. But I don't want to wait that long to make the switch. Any suggestions? Also, do you have to like ALL vegetables to become a vegan? I do love them, the only thing I can't bring myself to eat is tomatoes and mushrooms. I can eat tomatoe products, like spaghetti sauce, ketchup, etc. Just not the tomatoe in it's natural state. Will this prevent me from having a balanced vegan diet?