
Can't get a video signal on a DVD Recorder.?

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I have a RCA DVD Recorder, model # DRC8005N. I have a connections hooked-up properly. It's playing DVD's, but in order to record, you need a video signal to watch "live" TV. I have Verizon FIOS for what that's worth. I've contacted RCA, and they no longer provide support for this product. Anyone have any ideas? Also, it has worked before, when I had DirecTV. I've tried the red, yellow, white cords, and the red, blue, and green cords, too!




  1. If it worked before, it should work now. FIOS just changes the way video is delivered, at the output of the FIOS box you simply have analog video which you can send to the DVD recorder.

    It could be that you try to copy/record copy-protected content.

    If the FIOS box has only one output, you need to pass it first to the RCA box then to your TV.

    If your TV has video out, connect that out to the RCA box.

    Check the FIOS manual on how to connect a VCR or other recorder.

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