
Can't get air?

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ok so i've been snowboarding for a few years now and i still can't get any air when i go off a jump.How can i get more air?




  1. Your timing of your spring and the lift point in the jump must be well matched. I suspect you are early on your take off and are loosing the lift point in the jump. Try relaxing and wait an extra count of 2 on your next jump. If that does not help, jump a 2 count earlier.

  2. the faster you go the more likely you are to get air

    also try bigger jumps

  3. If it is really a "jump", which is any kind of bump with a lip at the top (not rounded off) - it all comes down to how fast you are going when you hit it. If you are going fast enough, even if you don't "pop" off of the lip, you WILL get air.

    Just keep going off the same jump every run - each time a little faster until you build your confidence. Remember that if there is a lip at the top, it will throw you back a little bit - so make sure to have your weight a little bit forward.

    Good Luck

  4. The first thing to do is to work on getting air off on the flats: work on your ollies and pops.  Then take them to small bumps.  As you start getting air focus on the landings: land equally on both feet and absorb by bending the knees.  Then you can take the same action and feeling to the jumps.

  5. This may seem like something very little and unimportant, but for me it has completely altered the snowboarding experience.

    Building core strength will help with just about anything. When your going off a jump you need to pull your legs as close to your chest as you can, this makes you go higher longer- having core strength will help ALOT! I think that might be your problem.

    Good exercises for this would be Pilate's or crunches, things along those lines. It's good to do this now during the off season so you'll be ready for when you go again.

    Good Luck!

  6. just pick up ur feet and do a little bunny hop start out small and get bigger

    do NOT go full speed i did being stupid and ate it getting a concusion, cracked my goggles, and got the fattest fat lip ever so go at a reasonable speed not too slow not to fast.

  7. speed is prolly the most important factor here.

    also depends how big the jump is.

    1st line up with the jump

    2nd stay flat based (once you get better you can go on your edge and spin) and keep your knees bent

    3rd let the lip of the jump and your speed do most of the work

    4th jump a little at the middle to top of the lip ( again depends on size) this jump motion you gonna do is almost More of a rise from your knees being bent to being straight( not all the way straight you still want cushion).

    also dont jump to hard it can through off your ballance.

    5th land going back to knees bent

  8. go faster, do not hesitate

    once on the jump you gotta like jump sorta
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