
Can't get my new router to connect to the internet.?

by  |  earlier

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Okay so I bought this new router from a cheaper price, I might add lol), here is the link:

Anyways I can't get it to connect to the internet..... I know my connection is fine becuase direct connection from modem to pc works and so does my old router. I just don't get why this one doesn't, I have tried some trouble shooting to and sat there for like 2 hours trying to figure it out. I followed their guide on the disk too, it just won't connect to the internet! It shows it is connected on the router itself too because all the lights that I have plugged in are solid, like the internet one and the wlan one. I have also tried swtiching the ethernet cables, just in case the one they sent might be broke and still nada. I am stumped here.

Oh and fyi I have Verizon DSL if that helps.. And yes, when I log onto the router it shows there is an ip and subnet mask and all that stuff.




  1. The modem that verizon uses is like a half router and the bridging screws up networking.  It uses network 192.168.1.x.  Change your router's LAN addressing to 192.168.0.x.

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