
Can't keep a clean shower?

by  |  earlier

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hi umm this is kinda a long story but i will try to keep it short... Me and my dad recently moved into a 70's stlye trailer thats really in the middle of no where.... and we are curently trying to clean up about 5 acres of woods and we also both work on cars...Becuse of this we tend to get pretty dirty by the time we reach the shower. so everytime we touch something that doesnt get constantly wet like the soap holder or something it gets dirty and then stays that way. How can I keep the shower semi clean without constant work?




  1. Ha ha.  I don't know but i recently saw a funny commercial with 2 secret "maids" in the bathroom cleaning the shower while you are away.  It was advertising some kind of spray device that sprays 2 different areas and you don't have to do anything....but heck if I can remember what the name of it the advertisement they are real maids and jump and hide on the top of the

  2. It could be plastic or porcelain.  If plastic clean it really well and wax it.  Any fiberglass wax will work.  If porcelain it has accumulated lime and whatnot from the water and people you need to clean it until it shines.  Then maintenance should be easier.

  3. comet cleanser, a green scrubby pad, lots of elbow grease, rinse well, then spray it with Tilex shower spray.

    The shower spray keeps it cleaner if used every time you shower.

  4. try some bleach sprays thats what i use in my'll probably have to clean it atleast once a month though

  5. If you have a build-up now, I would suggest using straight vinegar to cut through the dirt, grease and muck.  Put some in a spray bottle and spray it all over.  You'll probably need to scrub it a little with a sponge or something.  Vinegar works very well on cloudy, soap-scummed shower doors too.

    Once you get it under control, you can buy shower/tub spray that you spray on after each shower.  That should work.

    Good luck!

  6. after each shower rinse it out and then spray with shower cleaner can get this cheap (like big lots )..make sure to spray after EACH shower..once in awhile too you can get some that scrubbing bubble foam you can spray and that helps keep it clean too between showers and cleaning.. make sure you do scrub it once a week with soft scrub and a scrubber...good luck dudes!

    p.s have 3 guys @ my house.. so i do clean a lot

  7. Things You’ll Need:

    Shower liner




    Shower cleaning spray


    Spray a no-wipe shower cleaner on shower walls and doors or curtains immediately after every shower.


    Use a plastic liner to protect shower curtains from getting wet, which can lead to mildew.


    Periodically machine wash linen shower curtains.


    Periodically wash the plastic liner with a detergent containing chlorine bleach.


    Open a window in the bathroom after taking a shower in order to reduce moisture, lowering the chance for mildew to develop.


    Close wet shower curtains so that mildew does not form in the folds.


    Periodically clean the shower head by soaking it in a mixture of vinegar and water that has been boiled and has simmered for 10 to 15 minutes. Plastic shower heads should soak in equal parts vinegar and water, while metal shower heads can use up to eight parts water to every part of vinegar.


    If mildew forms, clean it with a mildew remover or a solution of one part bleach to four parts water.

  8. lets see... you need some tilex some scrubbing bubbles a chisel a hammer... shoot you need the whole book!!

  9. Change out your shower head for a sprayer with a white hose  that hangs from the pipe that the water comes out of. Take your shower, and then unhook the sprayer and rinse off the dirty areas that don't get rinsed during the shower. Having the flexible sprayer also makes it a lot easier when you do a heavy-duty shower cleaning once in a while.

  10. Buy Shower cleaner.


    Put bleach in it, then scrub it, and rinse it all out.

    Good Luck. (:

  11. You can get some special shower sprays that have various oils in that you literally spray on after you first wash it then everything just rinses off.

    Similar to the car wax idea... but i've not tried that yet.

  12. Get one of those shower heads that has a hose on it.  Everytime you get finished showering rinse off everything.  Do you have a vinyl shower curtain?  If you don't you can get a commercial grade from stores like walmart for about 5 or 6 bucks.  When it gets moldy (and it will anyhow you rinse it everyday...just not as quickly) you can wash it in the washing machine with a little detergent and a cup of bleach.  It may get a little roughed up but they last about a year and look decent.  While the shower curtain is washing soak the tub in bleach (put some in a spray bottle and label it) .  Let soak about 30 minutes,  rinse well, then soak in soft scrub or ajax.  Grime should come off fairly easy.

  13. Car Wax,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Put it on just like the car...............  Works perfect...............!  Im not kidding.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    P.S.  You have to start with a clean tub first.................!=)

  14. Buy shower bleach spray, leave it for 5mins and then rinse it off.  If not leave it over night and then rinse off when you have your morning shower.

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