
Can't make friends!?!? 10 points. ADVISE?!?

by  |  earlier

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Hi every time I try talking to someone, they look at me like I have 2 heads! ( or something) I'm polite when I talk, I try to dress nicely. I was home-schooled so no friends in school. allot of times I think people are SCARED of me! I say that because they usually back away and leave I don't try to scare people. I'm 17 and 6'4 so a tower over most people. I'm naturally very strong, and I have hurt people from time to time by accident. I'm tired of being an outsider any suggestions?

I'm a nice guy =)





  1. I agree, a team sport is great for people who want to make friends. With your height, you could do almost anything - volleyball, basketball, track and field, swimming. There's a lot to pick from and a sport will boost your confidence as well.

    And it's a sad fact, but most public school kids tend to shy away from home-schooled kids because they think they don't have social skills or something. Show them that you can be nice, but don't intrude.

    High school is very different. In kindergarten, you could just walk up to someone and say, "Do you want to be my friend?" and then 10 seconds later, your best friends. High school isn't like that. Find someone you want to be friends with, preferably someone who shares a class or two, and study them (don't stare or follow). See what they like - are they into sports or academics, do they pay attention in class or fall asleep, do they have a vice, do they always lose a pencil or are out of paper. What do you know? Your into the same thing, oh, and here's an extra pencil! ;)

    Good luck.

  2. You sounds awsome :P I'd love to meet you at my school.

    I think joining sports maybe basketball you'll meet alot of guys or girls with the same likeings as you. If you act smooth with the ladies i think you can be their littl boy ***** , that well give you alot of friends.

  3. Just be friendly. Don't start any conversations, but join in on the open ones. It's not like you're some type of freak or something, just a little bit unsure of yourself. When you try too hard you don't get any results.  

  4. Join basketball or another sport where there can be nice guys like you.

    Start by making friends with people that have things in common with you. Then maybe you'll meet hteir friends and grow from their.

  5. make friends online, try,,, will probably make alot of friends on there.

  6. get active in a sport, that should help you make some friends then from there start to meet their friends, try facebook too that would really help people to get to know what kind of person you are

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